Herbetom Pulm Syrup 250ml


Botanical formula designed to aid in respitory health.


Herbetom Pulm Syrup 250ml

  • Contains Aloe vera juice, beta carotene & propolis as well as plant extracts.
  • Commonly used to support the respitory system.
  • Contributes to the maintenance of mucousal membranes.
  • Sutaible for adults and children aged 3 years and older.


For Adults: Take 10ml three times a day before or after meals

For Children aged 3 to 10 years: Take 5ml three times a day before or after meals


Fructose syrup aloe vera juice (10%) aromatic plants extract (eucalyptus thyme plantago and elder) (10%) beta-carotene prep. (2.5%)   propolis (0 5%) pine bud extracts.


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