New Nordic Skin Care Collagen Filler 60 Tablets


Helps improve skin firmness and elasticity as well as helps the feeling of a well moisturized skin.


New Nordic Skin Care Collagen Filler 60 Tablets

  • Promotes Fine and supple skin.
  • Reduces formation of wrinkles.
  • Contains marine collagen, similar to that which is naturally found in the dermis, as well as pomegranate with a natural content of ellagic acid, tomato and astaxanthin.


Take 4 tablets a day for 8 weeks, 2 tablets in the morning and 2 tablets in the evening. Hereafter the dose can be reduced to 2 tablets a day.


Fillingagent(microcrystallinecellulose),collagen(fish),pomegranateextract(Punicagranatum,L.),algaeextract(Haematococcuspluvialis,Flotou.),tomatoextract(Lyco-persicumesculentum,L.),wheatceramideextract(Triticumaestivum,L.),ascorbicacid,coatingagents(hydroxypropylmethylcellulose,magnesiumstearate),disintegrator(crosslinkedso-diumcarboxymethylcellulose),anti cakingagent(silicondioxide),color(redbeetred,caramel),blackpepper(Pipernigrum,L.),potatostarch.


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